Prostitution in olden Times


There are accounts that have noted prostitution as the oldest profession in the world. Without a doubt, it has always been a typical method for women to earn cash, even during the Bible years. According to the Bible, prostitution is an immoral act.
In Proverbs, prostitutes, call girls or escorts were characterized through the phrases, “For the lips of an immoral woman drip honey and her mouth is smoother than oil. But in the end, she is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two-edged sword. Her feet go down to death and her steps lay hold of hell.” Even in the time of God, He already has forbidden any man who involves himself with prostitutes. God knows that when a person engages himself or herself with a prostitute, it can be harmful to both men and women’s moral being.
Although religion is now realising the modern world and helping people stay on the right path
SEX used to be a sacred subject among Christians but some churches have turned a new leaf as they now openly discuss it without restraint.

A survey conducted by B-Metro revealed that churches believe discussion of sex helps in lessening the escalating cases of divorce.

A pastor with Living Waters International, Ephraim Moyo, said sex education has helped in highlighting the importance of a healthy life style.

“We group members of the church in their relevant fellowships such as youths, young adults, young couples and old couples. A message would be tailor-made to suit the needs of the fellowships.

“Furthermore, it has helped congregants in making sound decisions regarding their sexual life style. The information that we teach them helps them to be equipped on matters of reproductive health.” Credits: Zimbabwe churches turn to sex education – Bulawayo24

The Effect of Prostitution to Married People
As what we know today, sex trade workers such as escorts, prostitutes and call girls are part of the factors destroying the commitment of a married couple. It can further ruin families and lives of people who get involved with them. In addition, prostitution devastates the human being’s soul and spirit. As a result, it leads to death of a person’s spirituality.
According to the Bible, it is God’s desire that purity remains in our body and soul. In Corinthians, it is said that the human body was not created to function for sexual immorality, but for the Lord only. Our bodies must be used as tools for the glory of His kingdom.
God’s Forgiveness To Prostitutes
Even though the acts of sex trade workers like escorts, prostitutes or call girls are considered sinful in the eyes of the people and God, they can still be forgiven by Him. In the Bible, God even made a prostitute as an instrument to fulfill one of His great plans. The prostitute was obedient to God and as a result, she and her entire family were blessed and rewarded by God.
There were other prostitutes in the Bible who were forgiven and cleansed by God. In return, those women served Him through recognizing Him for who He is. In Luke, God accepted the regret and repentance of the prostitute, as well as the worshipping made by the “immoral” woman.
Prostitutes, escorts, or call girls and other sex trade workers are just like any other ordinary people. They also have the chance to be given forgiveness, salvation and an eternal life from the Creator. In addition, they have the opportunity to be cleansed from the sins they have committed just like any other people. In Corinthians, it is said that in order to start living with God, all a person can do is to turn away from doing his/her sinful acts.